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How to get a unique “fingerprint” of your molding process per each cavity ?
How to get a unique “fingerprint” of your molding process per each cavity ?
Posted on 06. 07. 2023 - Technology
Cavity pressure measuring is already known since many decades in the plastic industry but not really use for several reason. My partner Cavity Eye has made the cavity pressure measurement since 2015 simple, easy for a competitive price.
Roctool – plastic parts have never look so good
Roctool – plastic parts have never look so good
Posted on 01. 02. 2023 - Technology
Induction heating technology is one of the most advanced "heat & cool" technologies in injection molding. The reliable and cost-effective way to fully heat the injection mold quickly with a very accurate temperature distribution opens new possibilities.
Calcmaster – The innovative advising and calculation software for injection tools and plastic parts
Calcmaster – The innovative advising and calculation software for injection tools and plastic parts
Posted on 29. 04. 2021 - Technology
The innovative advising and calculation software for injection tools and plastic parts